BLOG | Generation Z

Generation Z

A life without the internet and social media is unimaginable for them: What makes Generation Z tick and what moves them: facts and figures that companies need to know.


A persona-sedcard for a prototypical representative of Generation Z can be found here. The entire target group on a sedcard here.

Character: Authentic, creative, self-determined

The 14 to 24 year olds want one thing above all: to have fun and enjoy life. Preferably together with friends. But although interpersonal relationships are important to them, Generation Z leads a self-determined life. They don't let themselves be dictated to: No matter whether it's about planning their career, hobbies or interests. Generation Z prefers to record experiences, thoughts and ideas in the form of videos, blogs and photos. Generation Z is creative, authentic and determined when it comes to experiencing adventures and putting plans into action.

Career and finances: The job must be fun

Digital nomadism is no longer reserved for successful influencers. For Generation Z, travel is normality. Semesters abroad or internships, a trip around the world or founding a digital start-up - for Generation Z, this is a matter of course. As employees, the ethics of the industry, exciting content, flexible working hours and a recognised profession are almost as important to Generation Z as a high salary and additional benefits. Around 60 percent want a high salary, for example, to fulfil their dream of owning their own home. But it is precisely topics like career and financial future that unsettle more than half of the 14 to 24 year-olds.


Values of Generation Z

Influenced by the Fridays for Future movement, Generation Z is most concerned about climate change and related natural disasters. More than half of the people between the ages of 14 and 24 are therefore actively committed to protecting the environment : By using recycled products, reducing the use of disposable plastics and using public transport or cycling instead of driving. When it comes to food, around one in two people make sure that meat and dairy products come from animals kept in species-appropriate conditions. Politically, the target group also sympathises with parties such as Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, which are committed to environmental protection.


Hobby and leisure: friends, art and sport

Besides shopping and eating out, the target group's most popular leisure activities include photography and computer games. Activities that are the most fun with friends are also high on the list: Generation Z meets in clubs for dancing or for a game night with Monopoly, Settlers of Catan and Co. Sports like jogging and football as well as training in the gym are also part of the everyday life of Generation Z. Almost every second 14 to 19 year old does sports several times a week.

Media use of Generation Z

More than three out of ten young people read a book every day or several times a week, just as many read a newspaper several times a month. Almost seven out of ten young people between the ages of 14 and 24 listen to the radio at least several times a month, nine out of ten watch television regularly - most of them via a television set. ProSieben is among the favourite TV programmes of young people, followed by ARD, RTL and ZDF. When it comes to the trustworthiness of news offerings, 84 per cent of young people trust ARD's Tagesschau, 77 per cent regional daily newspapers, followed by public radio stations and ZDF's heute Journal. The situation is different with online media such as Focus or Spiegel online: Here, only just under half of young people trust the news. Media formats such as RTL aktuell, Bildzeitung and fare the worst.

When it comes to data protection, half of the young people are happy to disclose data and information about themselves, while the other half post as little as possible. Every second young person finds personalised advertising helpful.When it comes to security measures on the internet, more than half of young people use virus scanners, password firewalls and pop-up and ad blockers.

For most 14 to 19 year olds, WhatsApp, followed by Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat are the most used apps. Around nine out of ten young people between 14 and 24 use their smartphone for this purpose. Around 87 percent of young people use a PC or laptop. Social networks such as Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp are used by Generation Z several times a week. Every second user is aware of the negative effects of social media. According to a survey, around 60 percent think they would be healthier and happier if they spent less time on social networks. More than half assume that social media does more harm than good. How young people are influenced by influencers depends on their level of education: while young people with a higher level of education are quickly annoyed by influencers, especially if it is only about advertising for products, the majority of young people appreciate tips and suggestions from influencers, as well as the opportunity to participate in their lives.


Consumer behaviour of Generation Z: Focus on trends and sustainability

When it comes to consumption, almost 8 out of 10 young people like to try out new products. The majority of Generation Z also pays attention to which products, brands and companies are hot at the moment. However, they remain loyal to the brands that have convinced them once. One in two pays attention to the fact that the company acts in a socially and ecologically responsible manner. If the opportunity arises, half buy products from the region or share things and services in order to make an active contribution to environmental protection and sustainability.

The most important 9 facts about Generation Z and how companies use them to their advantage:

  1. Generation Z is creative, authentic and self-determined - companies and brands that address these traits with their corporate design and content score points over competitors.
  2. Generation Z lives their dreams - support them in this: with products and emotional content that offer added value.
  3. Television advertising is more effective than advertising in print magazines or on the radio.
  4. Invest advertising budgets primarily in online marketing
  5. Go for personalised advertising messages
  6. The most important apps for Generation Z are WhatsApp, Instagram, Youtube
    and Snapchat
  7. Whether target groups can be influenced by influencers also depends on their education.
  8. Community is important to 14 to 24 year olds: encourage your customers to exchange ideas in social networks and form an active community
  9. Environmental awareness and sustainability are important to Generation Z. Therefore: Live these values in your company and talk about them.

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