Vanessa in detail

Digital Native Vanessa is 23 years old and currently lives together with two roommates in a 70sqm apartment in the bicycle city of Münster. Originally, she comes from the nearby town of Warendorf, where she spent her childhood and youth - and got her first (used) car at 18, which she still uses today, but only for long distances, otherwise she likes to bike a lot. She grew up in a middle-class family with two academic parents and a younger brother. She graduated from the Mariengymnasium in Warendorf with a good grade (2.0). Openness to the world, self-confidence and independence are values that her parents modeled for her: They involved her in decisions, motivated her, praised her. nDirectly after school, Vanessa spent a year in Australia on a work-and-travel. She used this time not only to gain her first work experience and share Australia's beauty with her community on Instagram. For her, her career path also became clear: She likes to write, inspire others - especially on social media. Because, in addition to a good working atmosphere, self-fulfillment and fun at work are especially important to her when choosing a career, she would like to gain a foothold in online marketing after her u0022media and communicationu0022studies (Bachelor) - while still having enough time for her hobbies, because free time is also very important to her. What she also got to know and love in Australia: modern, good vegetarian dishes. Since her work-and-travel, Vanessa has been eating a vegetarian diet and also avoids dairy products most of the time because she has difficulty tolerating lactose.nClassical job advertisements appeal to her the least when it comes to job hunting - what excites her, on the other hand, is recruitainment, preferably via social media. Corporate influencers, employer branding videos with authentic insights, digital campaigns via Snapchat or TikTok, and recommendations from friends or acquaintances.nChallenges: Vanessa wants as much freedom to develop as possible, but still wants a permanent contract (need for security). She is less impressed than her peer group by brands or salary poker, but by changing challenges, good development opportunities, and companies that stand up for their values (-u003e company values and brand positioning become more relevant with increasing age).n

Personal characteristics & attitudes

Hobbies and interests
Meet friends
Outdoor activities
Cooking and baking
A look at the personal future
Neither optimistic nor pessimistic
Important aspects of life
A happy relationship
Lead an honest and respectable life
Food attitudes
I actively try to eat healthy
I try to eat less meat
I avoid artificial flavorings and preservatives
Attitude towards innovation
I only buy new technologies when they have been proven in practice
I like to stay technologically up to date
I like to try out innovative products
Internet settings
I could no longer imagine a life without the internet
Attitudes towards digital media
Digital services allow me to discover new and exciting content
I want to access my music / movies on all devices (TV, tablet, smartphone, ...)
I prefer digital content because it's easier to manage
Attitudes towards personal finances
I am well informed about my financial situation
I could imagine handling all financial matters exclusively online
I could imagine managing all my financial affairs exclusively via smartphone
Attitudes towards services
I like to organise my life with my smartphone
Attitudes towards health care
I actively do something to stay healthy
Attitudes to travel
When I travel, I use my smartphone as a travel guide
I want to experience something unique when travelling
When traveling, I always make sure to take the cheapest offer

Media use & consumption

Advertising touchpoints
Search engines
Video portals (e.g. YouTube)
Online shops
Use of publishing media
ePaper / Online News Websites
Books (Print)
Consumption of magazines and weeklies by brand
The Mirror
Picture on Sunday
National Geographic
Purchases of ePapers + Online News Website Subscriptions by Brand
Social network usage by brand
Use of social networks by frequency
Activities on social media
Private messages sent
Posts other users liked
People followed
Commented on posts
Pictures / Videos posted
Social media usage by platform type
Messengers (like WhatsApp,...)
Social Networks (like Facebook)
Share media (such as on Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest,...)
Internet usage by device
Smart TV
Internet access by type
Broadband (DSL, cable, ...)
Media usage by channel
(Mobile) Internet
Website and online service usage by type
Search engines
Online shops
Social media websites and apps
Purchasing settings
When I shop, I look out for special offers
Online shopping settings
Before making a major purchase, I research online
Customer reviews on the internet are very helpful
I usually manage ordinary / recurring orders directly via my smartphone or tablet
Sources of inspiration for new products
Friends and acquaintances
Search engines (such as Google)
Online shops
In store
Social media websites and apps
Information sources for product research
Search engines (such as Google)
Online shops
Customer reviews
Brand Awareness by Category
Consumer electronics
Relevance of digital services
Check online if the product is available in the store
Return / exchange in-store products ordered online
Home delivery of products purchased in the store
Online purchases by category
Consumer electronics (e.g. TV, smartphones)
Online vs. offline product research by category
Consumer electronics (e.g. TV, smartphones)
Household appliances
Online payments by brand
Smartphone by brand
Cloud service usage
Online data and images stored
Online applications to create Office documents (such as Google Docs, Microsoft Office Online, ...)
Online backup for computers or smartphones
TV content preferences by genre
News (local or national)
Video game preferences by genre
Jobvalley - Students 2022 Update 1: (27147 respondents, ages 18 to 64, survey period: April 1, 2021 to March 17, 2022).
Federal Statistical Office
Photo credits
gpointstudio / Adobe Stock
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