Boost your buyer persona knowledge

Everything you need to know about data-based personas.

Plus: Current studies, data, infographics around target groups.

How data-driven personas perfectly complement focus groups

How data-driven personas perfectly complement focus groups

Focus groups have become an integral part of market research, product development and marketing. However, many people who do not deal with the subject on a daily basis confuse them with target groups. Find out here what focus groups are, why you need them and how data-driven personas complement them perfectly.

Personas in geriatric care

Personas in geriatric care

According to the German Economic Institute, there could be a shortage of around 307,000 nursing staff in inpatient care in Germany by 2035. Fewer and fewer young people are entering the nursing profession. Many of those already working in this field are reducing their hours or throwing in the towel altogether. How data-driven personas can help with this dilemma.

Strategic Content Mapping

Strategic Content Mapping

Targeting content - always finding the right channel for the right message in the right tone of voice? That's easy with enough data on the behavior of readers, viewers/listeners and customers, coupled with content mapping.

What are SaaS personas

What are SaaS personas

SaaS companies need to keep up with changes in customer behavior more than in other industries - with SaaS personas. We show how.

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