
data-driven personas: focus on your customers

Do you know what your customers really want and what makes them tick - or do you only suspect it? data-driven personas helps you to better understand your customers:
Data instead of guessing! 

The Persona Institute: We develop personas that work

Persona Institute offers a software solution that helps you better understand your target groups - so you can use this knowledge to optimize the customer journey, run performance campaigns without wastage, generate faster and better leads, improve SEO performance, and much more. data-driven personas are veritable stereotypes of a particular target group.

Your advantages with data-based personas:

  • Performance campaigns without wastage
  • Faster and better leads
  • More and more suitable applicants
  • Sales increase
  • Optimal customer and candidate journey - aligned with the needs of the target group(s)

Our mission: data-driven personas for all!

We are convinced: data-driven personas should and must be affordable for every company.
Our Persona Profiler with representative data from more than 12 countries and more than 1,000 markets makes this possible and replaces the work of agencies and market research institutes - at manageable costs. 

In addition to the Persona-Sedcard, you receive data-based recommendations for action in the Persona-Playbook - clearly prepared for recruiting, marketing or sales. Optionally, we also advise you on the introduction - in an accompanying change process.

You want to learn more about data-driven personas ? For that we have developed free e-books, the Persona Masterclass and our blog.

We solve your Persona-PainPoints

We boost your success with our data-based personas. 7 Persona-Pain Points and how we solve them:

My personas do not work.

Personas often emerge in workshops, based on experience and gut feeling. A shaky foundation.

Personas that we create together with the PERSONA PROFILER are 100% based on data.

I don't have a market research budget.

Target group research with market opinion institutes is expensive.

With the PERSONA PROFILER you have all persona-relevant data in the sedcard, scientifically collected - at manageable costs.

I don't have time for personas.

data-driven personas takes time: researching, setting up surveys, evaluating and visualising.

With the PERSONA PROFILER we create your data-driven persona Sedcard in a few days.

Web and social analytics data alone are not enough for meaningful personas.

The data basis of the PERSONA PROFILER provides exactly the data you are still missing. Enriched with existing data, a complete picture of your target group emerges

I want to reduce wastage in my campaigns.

Our personas make precise targeting possible. This allows you to address your target group precisely. Scattering losses adé!

Our Customer Journey partly misses the needs of our customers or only partially satisfies them.

With our persona-sedcards you can optimize your customer or candidate journey exactly to the needs of your customers or candidates. We help you turn your customer experience into a unique experience.

We receive too few applications or do not reach the desired candidates.

With our data-based Candidate Personas, it's done. We bring Candidate Centricity to your recruiting.

We support corporations and SMEs in persona development:

Müller milk
Funke Media Group
Michael Müller Publishing House
Hrmony - Digital Food Stamps
ADAC Travel Distribution Ltd.
Orthomol pharmaceutical sales GmbH
Certification Buyer Persona Institute

The Buyer Persona Institute sets international quality standards for persona development, to which we commit ourselves by certification.

Certification Buyer Persona Institute

For our concept in the provision of scientifically based personas, which is suitable for medium-sized companies, we have been awarded the Innovator of the Year 2022 of the German Economy.


Certification Buyer Persona Institute

The German Design Council honored us with the German Brand Award 2023. Category: "Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation - Employer Branding Activities & Campaigns".

Certification Buyer Persona Institute

German Design Award 2024. category: "Excellent Communications Design Integrated Campaigns and Advertising".

Our data basis for persona-sedcards

Our starting point are Your existing data: web analytics data, CRM data, social media metrics, survey evaluations, etc. We supplement this data from the following sources:

  • Dataset of more than one million interviews based on standardized scientific questionnaires. Representative for more than 12 countries, more than 1,000 markets and industries - updated four times a year.
  • Database with more than 1 million statistics on more than 70,000 topics.

Create your data-driven persona

You know your target group from your daily contact with your customers - but want data-based clarity from your gut feeling? You'll have it in just a few days - with our Persona-Sedcard.

DIN: We are a member.
