
About us

We are increasingly living in a feedback economy: rating platforms wherever the eye can see. At the same time, digitization is leading to a decline in attention spans.
This makes it all the more important for companies to address their target groups with content that is relevant to them - on the channels they use - in the tone of voice of the target group - with the offer that is tailored precisely to their needs.
This is precisely what data-driven personas of the Persona Institute creates the basis for: for Customer Centricity. Partially automated. Fast. Inexpensive.


Mission & Vision

Persona Institute offers a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution that enables better understanding of target groups - in order to use this knowledge to optimize the customer journey, drive zero-spread performance campaigns, generate faster and better leads, improve SEO performance, etc. With data-based personas, the Persona Institute creates the basis for unique, needs-based customer experiences and thus promotes business growth and cost efficiency.

Our values


Data basis from more than one million scientifically collected surveys and a database of more than one million statistics.


Our candidate personas are free of biases. All surveys are representative.


In addition to the persona sedcard, our experts use the data to derive recommendations for action - clearly presented in the persona playbook.


Customers of Persona-Institut receive full transparency about the data we use.


In addition to the Persona Profiler, we impart Persona knowledge: In the Persona Masterclass. We advise and support the introduction of personas.

data-driven personas every company should and must be able to afford. Our tool with representative data from more than 12 countries and on more than 1,000 markets makes this possible and replaces the work of agencies and market research institutes.


Founder, Persona Institute


Other awards:

  • Trendence Award 2022: Shortlist
  • NEO IO AWARD 2022

Ready for your data-driven persona?

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