
Boost your buyer persona knowledge

Everything you need to know about data-based personas.

Plus: Current studies, data, infographics around target groups.

AI and personas: pros and cons

AI and personas: pros and cons

We have already tried out the fact that ChatGPT can create personas. We also know that this is not a particularly good idea. Nevertheless, AI can actively support us in our work with personas.

Roles vs. personas

Roles vs. personas

How do roles and personas differ? Find out here - for your optimized marketing strategy. Read now!

Persona-based marketing

Persona-based marketing

From generic target group approaches to customized communication that promotes real response and engagement - read here how you can reach your desired customers with persona-based marketing and which pitfalls you should avoid.

Create personas with chat GPT

Create personas with chat GPT

If you look at social media, the news, magazines and blogs these days, you might get the impression that generative AI can do anything - even create personas. We explain the opportunities and risks.

The history of buyer personas

The history of buyer personas

Buyer personas have long since begun to conquer the marketing world. But do you know where these highly successful conquerors came from and who the first of them were? Or how old they are - although still "new territory" for many?
Time for a little persona history.

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