
e-Book: CANDidate Personas

How to consistently focus on your candidates with data-based candidate personas. Defy the shortage of skilled workers with our eBook thanks to Candidate-Centricity. Download our 19-page eBook with 7 chapters now: with concrete professional tips for implementation, examples, templates and much more. Simply enter your name and email address and you will receive your personal download link.

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That's what it's about


Executive Summary

Candidate Centricity: What is it? 


Why Candidate Personas?

What data-driven personas means for recruiting


Why you need data-based Candidate Personas


Where and how you collect data for your Candidate Persona


How to evaluate the data


How to design and formulate personas


How to integrate personas into the daily recruiting routine

Executive Summary

The labor market is changing rapidly - towards a "candidate market". Digitalization and a shortage of skilled workers are meeting a generation that is setting new priorities: Salary is becoming less important, while flexible working time models, remote working, work-life balance, ecological footprint and corporate culture count more and more.
As a result, these days it's no longer employees who apply for a job, but companies for candidates - especially for highly qualified workers, in competitive industries or for popular job profiles.
For companies today, it is therefore no longer enough to place a job ad and wait for applicants. They need to pick up candidates where they are every day and turn an application process into a unique experience. How do you do that? With "Candidate Centricity" thanks to data-driven Candidate Personas. This white paper shows you how to create them.

What is Candidate Centricity?
Candidate Centricity means that the company focuses on the candidates and their needs in all phases of the Candidate Journey: Only then is it possible to recruit very good candidates who fit in with the company and to retain them in the long term.
The Candidate Journey describes the applicant's journey from initial contact with the company to their hiring and a longer-term commitment to the employer: attention - consideration and interest - application - selection - hiring - onboarding.
With data-based Candidate Personas, you can perfectly and consistently optimize each stage in this process to meet the applicant's needs. This way, you avoid a mistake at an early stage preventing application or hiring from happening. Candidate Centricity is also very important in the onboarding phase, because 28% of new hires leave companies again within 90 days if there is a breach here, according to LinkedIn research.



  • With a concrete example persona-sedcard
  • Bestcases from practice
  • Contact points for representative data
With our Persona Profiler, you can easily create data-based Candidate Personas in just a few days.