BLOG | Public service: Recruiting

Recruiting in the public sector

Recruiters and HR managers in the public sector are facing exciting challenges and opportunities. Our latest white paper provides insights into the wishes and expectations of potential candidates that will be informative for your agency or organization. Read more here.


At a time when the competition for talented employees is constantly increasing, it is crucial to understand,

  • which attracts the attention of suitable candidates,
  • what motivates them to apply and
  • when they refrain from applying.

A successful interview and needs-oriented onboarding are also prerequisites for candidates deciding to take a job in your agency or organization - and to stay after the probationary period.

We would like to help you as a recruiter or HR manager to make your job advertisements, application process, interviews and onboarding so attractive that they also appeal to people who have not yet been willing to change jobs, or only to a limited extent.

We therefore surveyed 1,682 people aged between 18 and 65 who work in the public sector. One important finding: the needs and expectations are more complex than many people assume. Job security and attractive pensions are not the only incentives that count.

But what is it that really attracts applicants? Our study has uncovered some surprising findings that could revolutionize your recruiting in the public sector.

Some exciting findings that are covered in detail in the white paper are:

  • Desire for transparency: Applicants appreciate clear and transparent information in job advertisements and during the application process. But what exactly should this transparency look like?
  • The power of visual design: The visual appearance of job advertisements is important for potential applicants. But it's not just about aesthetics.
  • The right channels to target: Not all social media platforms are equally effective when it comes to reaching the right candidates. Read our white paper to find out which channels you should focus your efforts on.

Discover what applicants in the public sector really want: Download the whitepaper here!

But that's not all. You will also find answers to the following questions in the white paper:

  • Job ad design: How can you design job ads in the public sector more effectively to attract the attention of suitable applicants?
  • Application process: What expectations do applicants have of recruiting in the public sector and how can you meet them?
  • Digital recruiting channels: How can you effectively use social media platforms and other digital channels for recruiting in the public sector: Job boards, SEM and co.
  • Benefits and working conditions: What benefits and working conditions do people who apply for jobs in the public sector really value?
  • Job interviews: What factors contribute to a successful job interview from the perspective of potential applicants?
  • Onboarding: What does effective onboarding in the public sector look like and what is particularly important for new employees as part of the onboarding process?

From initial interest to successful onboarding: In our whitepaper, we go into depth and offer concrete, data-based recommendations on how you can optimize your recruiting in the public sector.

Would you like to take your recruiting strategy to the next level? Then download our whitepaper now!

Do you want to target your candidates precisely? The Persona Institute is an expert in creating data-based personas. Let us advise you or find out more about our various services.

Infographic on the study

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