Millenials / "Generation Y" in numbers
Living situation
- Name
- Name (male): Christian, Michael, Stefan, Andreas, Thomas
- Name (female): Nicole, Stefanie, Sandra, Katrin, Claudia
- Age
- 18-29 years: 24%
- 30-49 years: 76%
- 50-64 years: 0%
- Gender
- Female: 50%
- Male: 50%
- Size of residence
- Under 5000 Inhabitants (Creußen, Tönning, Hitzacker, Reichenbach, Röbel): 15%
- 5000 up to 20.000 inhabitants (Zossen, Telgte, Dillingen, Torgau, Dingolfing): 19%
- 20,000 to 100,000 inhabitants (Cottbus, Hanau, Witten, Schwerin, Esslingen): 23%.
- 100.000 up to 500.000 inhabitants (Duisburg, Bochum, Wuppertal, Bielefeld, Bonn): 19%
- 500,000 to 1,000,000 inhabitants (Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Dortmund): 11%.
- 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 inhabitants (Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne): 12%.
- Housing situation
- Rented house/apartment: 73%
- Own house/ condominium: 27%
- Household size
- Single household: 26%
- Two-person household: 27%
- Small family (up to 2 children): 35%
- Large family (more than 2 children): 4%
- Other: 8%
- Annual household income
- Less than 18.000€: 11%
- Between 18.000€ - 21.600€: 5%
- Between 21.600€ - 26.400€: 6%
- Between 26.400€ - 36.000€: 12%
- Between 36.000€ - 50.400€: 19%
- Between 50.400€ - 69.600€: 11%
- Between 69.600€ - 91.200€: 11%
- Between 91.200€ - 117.600€: 3%
- Between 117.600€ - 148.800€: 2%
- Over €148,800: 2%
- Children under 14 in the household
- No children: 61%
- 1 Child: 21%
- 2 Children: 15%
- 3 Children: 3%
- 4 Children: 0%
- 5 or more children: 0%
- Type of employment
- Full-time employee: 60%
- Part-time employee: 13%
- Self-employed / freelancer: 4%
- Other: 23%
- Employment status
- Pupils: 0%
- Trainee / apprentice: 1%
- Student (University): 6%
- Full-time employee: 60%
- Part-time employee: 13%
- Self-employed / freelancer:4%
- Maternity/parental leave: 5%
- In retirement:2%
- Unemployed:8%
- Other:1%
- Training
- No formal education: 1%
- Elementary school: 1%
- Hauptschule / elementary school certificate, secondary school certificate / intermediate school leaving certificate: 19%
- University entrance qualification / Abitur: 17%
- Vocational training (journeyman / master craftsman): 30%
- Bachelor's degree or equivalent: 18%
- Master's degree or equivalent: 14%
- Doctoral degree or equivalent:1%
Values & Attitudes
- Hobbies & Interests
- Arts & Crafts: 13%
- Dancing: 18%
- Food & Nutrition: 43%
- Gardening: 24%
- Health and fitness: 38%
- Music: 54%
- Pets: 33%
- Photography: 24%
- Doing sport: 43%
- Read & Write: 40%
- Socializing: 39%
- Technology & Computers: 33%
- Travel: 45%
- Video games: 37%
- Watch sport: 22%
- Other: 7%
- Important aspects of life
- Be successful: 21%
- An honest and respectable life: 36%
- Have a good time: 38%
- Advance your career: 11%
- Safety and protection: 39%
- Making my own decisions: 34%
- A happy relationship: 58%
- Learn new things: 24%
- Traditions: 11%
- Social justice: 26%
- A look at the personal future
- Very optimistic: 10%
- Quite optimistic: 37%
- Neither optimistic nor pessimistic: 36%
- Quite pessimistic: 11%
- Very pessimistic: 4%
- Types of innovation adaptation
- Innovators: 2%
- Early adopters: 12%
- Early majority: 37%
- Late majority: 18%
- Latecomers: 32%
Media use
- Magazine / weekly newspaper consumption by brand
- Bild am Sonntag: 21%
- Image of the woman: 14%
- Brigitte: 15%
- Colorful: 9%
- Cosmopolitan: 13%
- The new leaf: 5%
- The Mirror: 29%
- The time: 12%
- Focus: 24%
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung: 5%
- Leisure Revue: 4%
- Gala: 8%
- kicker: 13%
- Star: 21%
- Superillu: 3%
- Other: 28%
- I have not read any in the last 3 months: 12%.
- Social network usage by brand
- Facebook: 82%
- Flickr: 2%
- Instagram: 60%
- Yodel: 5%
- LinkedIn: 18%
- Pinterest: 26%
- Reddit: 7%
- Snapchat: 17%
- TikTok: 14%
- Tumblr: 4%
- Twitter: 23%
- WeChat: 3%
- Xing: 13%
- YouTube: 74%
- Other: 3%
- Use of media services
- Audiobooks (download / streaming): 35%
- Digital music content (download / streaming): 89%
- Digital video content (download / streaming): 91%
- Music hardcopy (e.g. CD, vinyl): 34%
- Podcasts: 33%
- Radio: 76%
- TV (broadcast / cable / satellite): 83%
- Video hardcopy (e.g. DVD, Blu-ray): 46%
- None of the above: 1%
- Use of websites and online services by type
- Blogs: 17%
- Corporate websites and apps: 38%
- News websites and apps: 47%
- Newsletter: 31%
- Online stores: 72%
- Search engines: 99%
- Social media websites and apps: 56%
- Video websites and apps (e.g. YouTube): 56%
- None of the above: 1%
Personal settings
- Food attitudes
- Food must be convenient and fast: 23%
- I actively try to eat a healthy diet: 61%
- I am on a restricted diet for health reasons: 8%
- I avoid artificial flavors and preservatives: 40%
- I don't like cooking: 20%
- I have one or more food intolerances: 11%
- I rarely have time for a proper meal: 14%
- I try to avoid plastic packaging when buying food: 51%
- I try to eat less meat: 42%
- None of the above: 7%
- Attitudes towards mobility
- Driving is harmful to the environment: 32%
- I am a car enthusiast: 38%
- I can imagine using a self-driving cab: 25%
- I spend too much time commuting: 23%
- I would like to switch to more environmentally friendly means of transportation: 34%
- Owning a car is important to me: 62%
- The public transport system in my area is good: 40%
- There are not enough parking spaces where I live: 30%
- None of the above: 4%
- Attitudes to travel
- I prefer individual travel plans to package tours: 40%
- I want to experience something unique on my travels: 49%
- Fear of terrorist attacks and political crises influences my travel behavior: 23%
- When I'm on vacation, I use my smartphone as a guide: 50%
- When I'm traveling, I spontaneously book accommodation, a rental car, etc. via my smartphone:23%
- When it comes to travel, I always look for the best deal: 41%
- Sustainability is important to me when traveling: 19%
- None of the above: 10%
- Attitudes towards health care
- I actively do something for my health: 57%
- I can imagine using medical cannabis for treatment: %.
- I could imagine consulting doctors via app or online chat: 45%
- I prefer alternative healing methods to conventional medicine: 19%
- I undergo regular medical checks:44%
- I would like to do more for my health: 53%
- Patients have to pay too much for medication and medical treatment: 38%
- Thanks to the Internet, it is often possible to search for the best treatment method yourself: 22%
- The healthcare system often lets patients down: 35%
- None of the above: 4%
- Sources
- Statista Global Consumer Survey 2021 - Update 1 (15,661 respondents)
- Federal Statistical Office
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